Zásady ochrany osobných údajov a Cookies súbory.

Tento článok vysvetľuje súbory cookies a ako ich používať (alebo blokovať). Taktiež je tu vysvetlené aké typy súborov cookies používame a ako meniť ich nastavenia. 

Svoje nastavenia súborov cookies môžte kedykoľvek zmeniť v pravom dolnom vyskakovacom menu.

Vaše nastavenia ovládate pre túto doménu: www.tiptopbrany.sk

Čo sú cookies?

Cookies sú malé textové súbory na ukladanie informácií. Tieto súbory sú uložené vo Vašom počítači, telefóne, či inom zariadení, z ktorého pristupujete na túto stránku. Pri načítaní stránky sa tieto súbory načítavajú. Tieto súbory pomáhajú ukladať Vaše nastavenia, zabezpečujú aby stránka bola bezpečná, prístupná a pomáhajú nám ďalej zlepšovať alebo aj hľadať chyby na našom webe.

Na čo používame súbory cookies?

As most of the online services, our website uses cookies first-party and third-party cookies for a number of purposes. The first-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function the right way, and they do not collect any of your personally identifiable data. 

The third-party cookies used on our websites are used mainly for understanding how the website performs, how you interact with our website, keeping our services secure, providing advertisements that are relevant to you, and all in all providing you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with our website.

Aké druhý súborov cookies používame?

Essential: Some cookies are essential for you to be able to experience the full functionality of our site. They allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information. For example, these cookies allow you to log-in to your account and add products to your basket and checkout securely. 

Statistics: These cookies store information like the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website have been visited, the source of the visit etc. These data help us understand and analyze how well the website performs and where it needs improvement.

Marketing: Our website displays advertisements. These cookies are used to personalize the advertisements that we show to you so that they are meaningful to you. These cookies also help us keep track of the efficiency of these ad campaigns.
The information stored in these cookies may also be used by the third-party ad providers to show you ads on other websites on the browser as well.

Functional: These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on our website. These functionalities include embedding content like videos or sharing contents on the website on social media platforms.

Preferences: These cookies help us store your settings and browsing preferences like language preferences so that you have a better and efficient experience on future visits to the website.

How can I control the cookie preferences ?

Should you decide to change your preferences later through your browsing session, you can click on the „Privacy & Cookie Policy“ tab on your screen. This will display the consent notice again enabling you to change your preferences or withdraw your consent entirely. 

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. To find out more out more on how to manage and delete cookies, visit wikipedia.org, www.allaboutcookies.org.